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Ian McGregor – “Volume Loss During the Structural Development of the Southern Belridge Anticline: San Joaquin Basin, CA”

Happy New Year!

Please join us for the PCS-SEG monthly luncheon on Thursday, January 20th at noon. This will be a virtual meeting held using the Zoom meeting platform.

The meeting will feature Ian McGregor of Lettis Consultants International. The title of this talk is “Volume Loss During the Structural Development of the Southern Belridge Anticline: San Joaquin Basin, CA”.

Abstract & Bio

Date: Thursday, January 20th

Time: 12 (moon) – 1 pm

Please register below and a link to the virtual meeting will be sent to your email the evening of the 19th. Thank you!

Registrations are closed for this event

SJGS December 2021 Dinner Meeting Announcement

Notification from SJGS:

Tuesday, December 14th, in collaboration with the Coast Geological Society featuring a talk by Daniel Limonadi, JPL titled “What is happening to our planet now and what will happen in the future?  Current and future space based Earth observations and modelling efforts.” 

Please RSVP below by 12:00 Noon, Monday, December 13th if you plan to attend in person at the American Legion Hall. []

We are happy to be able to offer both in-person and virtual options for this talk. Here is the link for the zoom Meeting. CGS requests that if attending virtually (from home) that you kindly register in advance.

Upcoming Geo Hikes

Good Morning PSAAPG – SJGS Members, 
Please see below for upcoming hikes. The first one is coming up on Dec 16, 2021.

  • Death Valley peaks and geology driving tour through Titus Cyn, Thursday, December 16, 2021, 3:00 PM to Sunday, December 19, 2021, 5:00 PM PST, []

  • Villager Peak Geo-hike, Santa Rosa Mtns, CA, Friday, January 21, 2022, 3:00 PM to Sunday, January 23, 2022, 5:00 PM PST, []

  • Cottonwood-Marble Canyons Loop, Death Valley, with some geology, Thursday, March 3, 2022, 12:00 PM to Sunday, March 6, 2022, 3:00 PM PST, []

Geology Seminar Series and Museum talk

  • Wednesday Sept 22 at noon: Below please find a flyer for our first Geology Fall Seminar Series presenter, Dr. Julie Griffin, speaking on Orbital Forcing of Precipitation Recorded in an upper Paleozoic Cyclothem of the Midcontinent, USA. Please join us via Zoom next Wednesday:

SEG Quantitative Interpretation Virtual Workshop

Quantitative Interpretation—Towards Integrated Predictive Sub-Surface Models 24–26 August 2021 | Virtual

Save US$100 by registering and paying prior to 30 June to reap the benefits of this amazing opportunity. Happening from 24–26 August, this virtual workshop will provide a fantastic opportunity to join a discussion about Quantitative Interpretation (QI). The workshop encompasses insightful sessions addressing where QI has been successful; where QI can be fostered to bring in solutions and why; novel techniques and possibilities for overcoming these problems; and where QI is headed.   This workshop aims to examine the increasing role of rock physics combined with inversion and interpretation as a platform for the integration of a broad range of data and information to produce more reliable predictive subsurface models with an increased understanding of uncertainties and risks. It will include not only general submissions, but also feature presentations by invited key experts in their field sharing their experiences.   Make plans to take part in this unique opportunity to have open and extended discussions among colleagues. We encourage anyone involved in subsurface data integration to join the conversation including, but not limited to, seismic processers, petrophysicists, rock physicists, geologists, geophysicists, geomechanicists and reservoir engineers.   Don’t miss out on this opportunity to network and collaborate with the world’s leading geophysicists.  

Register Here

PSAAPG 2021 Virtual Convention Announcement

The PSAAPG Virtual Convention will be held June 21-24, 2021!


• A virtual field trip lead by Dr. Richard Behl of CSU Long Beach on the evening of June 21

• Three technical sessions scheduled for the mornings of June 22, 23 and 24

• Bob Lindblom’s annual Honors and Awards session on the evening of June 23

The technical sessions include:

• A Regulatory and Environmental Geology session, including a panel discussion with the State Geologist Dr Steven Bohlen and William Bartling, recently retired CalGEM Chief Deputy, on the

future of petroleum geologists in California, plus a lecture on the use of the role of stratigraphy in the environmental industry by Rick Cramer, and additional technical presentations.

• A Monterey session with a lecture on age control in the Monterey and its relationship to climate change, plus several technical presentation including updates on the latest Monterey research

• A geochemistry session with Allegra Hosford Scheirer on the use of machine learning to enhance the understanding of petroleum systems, plus several technical presentations focusing on the coastal basins of California

Check the convention website for registration information []