Monthly Archives: October 2018

Chad Severson – “Utilizing seismic attributes to delineate a tectonically controlled submarine channel system: Temblor Formation, San Joaquin Basin, California”

Please join us for the PCS-SEG monthly luncheon on Wednesday, November 7th at the Petroleum Club!
The meeting will feature Chad Severson of Aera Energy. The title of his talk is “Utilizing seismic attributes to delineate a tectonically controlled submarine channel system: Temblor Formation, San Joaquin Basin, California”.

Event Details:
Date: Monday November 7th, 2018
Time: 11:30-1:30
Location: The Petroleum Club, 5060 California Avenue
$25.00 PCS-SEG Members
$30.00 Non Member
Free Student
$25.00 PCS-SEG Members Dues
$10.00 Membership Dues for Students

SEG Women’s Network Committee Career Workout Workshop will be held at SEG18 Anaheim, CA on Tuesday, October 16th

Save the date for a Career Workout workshop! This short course will be held at SEG18 on Tuesday, 16 Oct., and is designed for the professional development of geophysicists in a changing energy ecosystem. Attendees will increase career awareness and acquire skills aimed at professional and personal development and career mobilization. Learn more: 

8th Networking Event of the SEG Women’s Network Committee will be held at SEG18 Anaheim, CA Monday, October 15th

Don’t miss out on the 8th Networking Event of the SEG Women’s Network Committee, Monday, 15 October! Christina Sistrunk, President and CEO of Aera Energy, will share her experiences with the crowd. Maria Capello, Chair of the SEG Women’s Network Committee, has graciously offered two copies of her recently-published book, Learned in the Trenches, as door prizes. This is a ticketed event with hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. US$40 membes and nonmembers, US$10 students. Register now at 
