Monthly Archives: August 2017

Andres Chavarria – “Reservoir Monitoring using DAS Measurements: From Time-Lapse Seismic to Real-Time Stimulation and Flow Monitoring”

Please join us for the PCS-SEG monthly luncheon on Wednesday September 6th at the Petroleum Club.
The meeting will feature Andres Chavarria of OptaSense a QinetiQ Company. The title of his talk is “Reservoir Monitoring using DAS Measurements: From Time-Lapse Seismic to Real-Time Stimulation and Flow Monitoring”.
Event Details:
Date: September 6th, 2017
Time: 11:30-1:30
Location: The Petroleum Club, 5060 California Avenue


$20.00 PCS-SEG Members
$25.00 Non Member
$5.00 Student
$20.00 PCS-SEG Members Dues
$5.00 Membership Dues for Students
Please direct questions to Kathy Smith at