Please join us at the upcoming PCS-SEG monthly luncheon on WEDNESDAY, MAY 2nd at THE PETROLEUM CLUB !
We are honored to have with us SEG Distinguished Lecturer William Symes of Rice University.
Bill’s talk, entitled “Advanced Imaging for Practitioners”, will discuss the future direction of seismic Reverse Time Migration and its (sometimes surprising) application. Bill will illustrate his talk with synthetic and field data examples. See the attached bio and abstract for more details.
Please make reservations by noon on Monday, April 30, 2018.
Event Details:
Date: May 2nd, 2018
Time: 11:30-1:30
Location: The Petroleum Club, 5060 California Avenue
$25.00 PCS-SEG Members
$30.00 Non Member
Free Student
$25.00 PCS-SEG Members Dues
$10.00 Membership Dues for Students