- Wednesday Sept 22 at noon: Below please find a flyer for our first Geology Fall Seminar Series presenter, Dr. Julie Griffin, speaking on Orbital Forcing of Precipitation Recorded in an upper Paleozoic Cyclothem of the Midcontinent, USA. Please join us via Zoom next Wednesday: https://csub.zoom.us/j/98967782285
- Thursday Sept 23 at 5:30 PM: Dr. Matt Herman of CSUB Geology will be featured in Buena Vista Museum of Natural History & Science ‘Meet the Expert’ series discussing earthquakes and plate tectonics via zoom: https://news.csub.edu/csub-geologist-to-talk-earthquakes-for-museum-event [news.csub.edu], You need to register ahead of time for the Museum talk at: https://www.buenavistamuseum.org/events [buenavistamuseum.org]